Features and Benefits
The following features offer high value to corporate customers to meet
their immediate security needs:
1. Security at Highest Level LexiGuard incorporates:
- Symmetric Key Encryption Algorithms - DES, Triple-DES, RC4, and Blowfish
- Public Key Algorithms - RSA 1024-bit
- Digital Signature Algorithms - SHA-1 with RSA
2. Open Standard Support LexiGuard is compliant with the evolving
PKIX and LDAP standards and supports:
- X.509v3 for Digital Certificates
- PKCS#11 for Smart Cards
- S/MIME for E-mail
3. PKI Interoperability Built upon the JAVA 2 security architecture,
LexiGuard allows different algorithms and security features from other providers to be plugged in with ease.
While it has the capability to generate its own certificate and signing keys, it can also incorporate digital
certificates and keys from the leading PKI vendors such as Entrust and VeriSign.
4. Productivity LexiGuard
runs on different operating systems, Windows 95/98/2000, NT, Unix and Linux and thus provides the corporations
with cross-platform software tool for enhanced productivity and manageability.
5. Scalability LexiGuard
is upgradable to the client-server version, LexiGuardPLUS designed for the security of enterprise environments.
With the family of LexiGuard products, corporate managers can easily transition from older security systems to
next-generation security solutions such as digital certificates and smart cards.
6. Key Recovery and Master Key Solutions LexiGuard offers
practical solutions for rapid key recovery for forgotten passwords and master key for file decryption in an emergency.
Several choices of solutions are available to the corporate managers to fit their specific environments.
7. Protection of Keys LexiGuard offers the optional
feature to utilize Schlumberger's Cryptoflex cryptographic smart cards and Cyberflex Java smart cards for the storage
of private keys. This is an enhanced security solution since storing the keys in a portable, tamper-resistant smart card
is more secure than keeping them on the hard drive that can be compromised readily. |